Riot – Insurance Guidance

Our hearts go out to everyone impacted by the recent riots and unrest leading to the devastating violence that has affected communities across the UK.

We understand that this is an incredibly difficult time for many individuals, especially those involved with businesses that may have been disrupted or those whose homes and vehicles may have been damaged.

Support From Prosura

At Prosura we are committed to providing support, especially during these challenging times.

Our objective is to help the claim process and provide advice – to support businesses to get back up and running as quickly and efficiently as possible, and to aid individuals who have experienced damage to homes and vehicles.

Riots and Insurance – what you need to know

If your property or business has been directly impacted by the riots, help is available.

  1. If you are insured, you should contact your broker or liaise directly with your insurer to register a claim.
  2. If you are inadequately insured or have no insurance at all, then you may be protected by the Riot Compensation Act 2016.

About the Riot Compensation Act 2016 (RCA)

The Riot Compensation Act came into law in 2016.

According to, the Act gives victims of criminal damage or loss during a riot the right to compensation. It is designed to allow communities to recover quickly from the impact of rioting.”

The Riot Compensation Act 2016 (RCA) supports victims of criminal damage due to a riot, these are ordinary claimants (and their representatives) who have no or inadequate insurance.

Insurer claimants – those insurers who pay out for damages as a result of riots, are also supported.

In these instances, compensation can be claimed under the RCA from the police Claims Authority responsible for the geographical area where the riot took place.

Riots and insurance – what you need to do

If your property has been damaged as a result of a riot, your first step is to report the crime to the police.

By reporting the crime to the police, you will be given a crime number – this number is useful to your claim process (whether you are claiming through your broker, insurer or through RCA).

If you are insured contact your broker or insurer.

If you are not insured visit your local police website and download a RCA claim form. You can also access a copy of the form here.

Deadlines & Details

RCA claims must be received by the Claims Authority within 43 days after the riot. You do not need to provide further details or additional evidence during his time.

Further details and supporting evidence will be required and this needs to be submitted within 91 days from the date the claims authority receives your RCA claim.

Check out this link to view a useful visual guiding you through the claims process.

Riots Claims & Compensation

Whether claiming directly with your insurer, through your broker or making a claim under the Riot Compensation Act, a claimant must be able to demonstrate the damage or loss they have suffered as a result of the riot. Specific details can be found here.

It is important to note that not all instances of damage or loss will meet the criteria set by the RCA.

Useful Information

  • The maximum compensation that can be received via the RCA is £1m.
  • If you are underinsured, you can make a claim through the RCA.
  • If your insurance excess is greater than the insurance claim, you can make a direct claim with the RCA.

A Helping Hand from Prosura

We are here to assist you, whether you are a Prosura client or not.

If our experience and expertise can be of any help, please do not hesitate to reach out to our team. Our main priority is to support you in any way we can during this difficult time.

Stay safe, stay vigilant and know that you are not alone.

Let’s Talk

Find out more about our extensive range of products here and speak to the team for support with all of your insurance needs, we protect your most valuable assets.

About Prosura

Prosura is a business and lifestyle insurance broker that simplifies the complexities of insurance.

Prosura is more than just an insurance broker. Firstly, it has an experienced team. Secondly, it combines the highest levels of customer service and advice with finding the right, cost effective policy. Ultimately, it provides cover to protect your most valuable assets.

Operating locally and throughout the UK, Prosura supports businesses of all sizes and sectors including manufacturing, distribution, property, and leisure and hospitality.

Most importantly Prosura tailors its offering to meet both business and personal needs. In addition, to provide further value for its customers, Prosura also includes its free lawyer in a box, a digital legal service for customers.

The Prosura team is based in Wakefield.

Check out the latest news on the Prosura news page.