Soft Play Centre Insurance

Insurance for soft play centres’ by Prosura

No matter whether you own or manage a small independent soft play centre, or multiple sites across a region or even nationally, your day to day concerns will be around keeping the place safe and functioning with skilled staff on hand to make your customers visit as much fun as possible.

You want to be focused on the birthday party experience you give your young guests and their friends and family. But then there’s also insurance to look at. What covers do you need? What would the appropriate indemnities be? Lets face it, insurance can be pretty dull – but the details do matter, particularly if something were to go wrong and the business were to face a claim.

That’s where we come in. We offer jargon free advice and access to a range of soft play insurance providers – leaving you free plan your next party menu!

What insurance cover does a softplay centre need?

There are three principle areas that you will need to look at when insuring your soft place centre. These are:

Building, contents, fixtures and fittings (your play equipment)

No matter whether you are based in an older building that has been adapted to meet your needs, or in a purpose built industrial unit, the building itself will need to be insured. It’s likely to be a contractual requirement where you have a mortgage. Your play equipment will have been designed to work in the space that you have and you’re likely to have invested heavily in its design and build. It’s the cornerstone of your business and should be insured appropriately. Specialist equipment may require special parts or skilled installation which also needs consideration in the form of business interruption cover.

Stock, food and drink, IT and office equipment as well as audio and visual kit

Outside of door entry, you will rely on your café selling food and drink as well as catering for special occasions like birthdays to drive revenues. Use of expensive audio visual equipment to give the right atmosphere is pretty much expected. Any or all of these facilities are core to your business and could be expensive to repair or replace were something to go wrong.

Liability cover for play centres

You have members of the public – your customers – coming to your premises to enjoy clambering around. Play can get boisterous and even with well designed soft play equipment and vigilant staff things can go wrong. In an increasingly litigious world, claims do get made. Public Liability protects you from legal costs when someone alleges that they have become unwell, injured or otherwise suffered a loss as a consequence of your business activity.

Employers Liability for soft play is compulsory, as it is for any UK business that has employees. The minimum amount of cover is £5m. It protects you from claims in a similar way to PL, but in the event that a worker makes a claim.

What else should be considered when buying soft play centre insurance?

Every business is different and there may be a number of additional insurances that you need for your soft play centre business. If you have business vehicles, they will need covering with a commercial vehicle cover. You may wish to take out D&O cover, protecting management from personal accusations. Where you store customers details electronically, Cyber Liability cover may be appropriate.

Why Choose Prosura to find me the right Soft Play Centre insurance policy?

We’re here to let you get on with running your business by providing friction free access to expert advice and high quality insurers. We’re on hand with professional advice as your business evolves and expands.

We also give all our Soft Play Centre Insurance Clients free access to PROSURA Digital Lawyer, saving them hundreds of pounds a year on Legal Fees.

For your Soft play Centre insurance cover requirements, contact the specialist brokers at Prosura today.

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